Casting for Recovery – 2022 Online Auction
Auction Ends: Nov 13, 2022 10:00 PM MST


Two Fly Fishing Books

Item Number
Estimated Value
$75 USD
$30 USD to sr03718c6
Number of Bids
2  -  Bid History

Item Description


Fly Fishing Two Book Combo

52 Rivers written by Shelley Walchak, a librarian by trade and an angler at heart, tells a compelling story with amazing pictures that depict a soulful year-long journey fly-fishing on 52 different rivers.

Fly Fishing - the sacred art - Casting a Fly as a Spiritual Practice written by Rabbi Eric Eisenkramer and Rev. Michael Atlas, MD tastefully integrates valuable fly-fishing principles, accounts of adventures and deep spiritual truths that we can all apply to our lives and reflect on when on the water.


Item Special Note


Shipping & Handling - additional $15

Donated By:

CfR New Jersey Program

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