Rotary Club of Gibsons – Rotary Online Auction 2024
Auction Ends: Nov 23, 2024 08:00 PM PST


One Foot Crow Craft Distillery and Lounge Gift Certificate - $150

Item Number
Estimated Value
$150 CAD
$121 CAD to dc64e54d6
Number of Bids
17  -  Bid History

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Item Description

 Bob and LaVonne, the owners of One Foot Crow, are pleased to provide a $150 gift certificate to the Rotary auction.  The gift certificate is for the purchase of any of their distillery offering, including drinks at the bar of their new cocktail lounge.

"Come and enjoy an intimate evening of cocktails in our cozy loungeā€

It was a chilly spring morning when she arrived. The murder that usually frequented the courtyard had not been seen for days. When they returned there was a new member. A squawking ,muleing fledgling. Scraggy looking, still sporting a few grey feathers sticking out at odd angles and most noticeably missing a foot. This was One Foot.
As time went on she grew into a beautiful bird with glistening black feathers and a curious nature. The most adventurous of the lot, it is she that comes to the door and calls for food. It is she that plays catch with the peanuts I throw her way and it is she that looks me in the eye when I speak to her. She is not tame or trained or a pet, she is my friend.

Donated By:

One Foot Crow Craft Distillery