UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST CONGREGATIONAL – Boxborough UCC Merrie Christmas Fair Silent Auction 2024
Auction Ends: Nov 23, 2024 06:00 PM EST

Christmas Items

Amaryllis Bulb -- Waxed (#2)

Item Number
Estimated Value
$20 USD
$17 USD to sd08463ad

The winning bid will go to FrontStream Global Fund (tax ID 26-3265577), a 501c3 nonprofit organization, which will send the donation to UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST CONGREGATIONAL (tax ID 042835334) on behalf of the winner.

Number of Bids
3  -  Bid History

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Item Description

No water needed! Waxed Amaryllis bulbs are low maintenance and can produce multiple stunning blooms.

This waxed bulb is a live product. Do not expose the bulb to subzero temperatures. Amaryllis are perishable live plants and will start to grow if you leave them at room temperature. Just place them on a flat surface indoors, in a well-lit room, and avoid direct sunlight. Rotate the bulb every few days for straighter growth.

Within at least 4-5 weeks, expect at least 2 stems to grow, and expect to see blooms around 8-9 weeks. Each blooming stem will have multiple flowers for 3-4 weeks. Amaryllis are known for their large showy flowers.

Donated By:

Teresa and Jim Howie

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