Lorain Gifted Academy PTO – Auction Under the Lights
Auction Ends: Jun 1, 2008 11:00 PM EDT

Auction Stats


Top Referrers

  1. Julie Flaherty349
  2. Carol Ryan116
  3. Jill Camp106
  4. Walter Min73
Refer Your Friends

Our Auction is now closed! YOU ARE ALL AMAZING!!

Main Article Image

WOW - We could not have asked for more.  Everyone did an absolutely awesome job of spreading the word and bidding on all these great items.  We began with a lofty goal of raising $5,000 and are set to come close to $8,000 when we include the raffles and dessert sale - beyond our wildest dreams!

Thank you for believing in the children of Lorain Gifted Academy! 

Thank you for your participation!

The Auction Under the Lights is now closed. Thank you all for taking the time to point, click and bid in order to support Lorain Gifted Academy PTO. Congratulations to everyone who placed a winning bid,generously donated an item for auction, and invited family, friends and community to make their bid to build a better school for our children.

The Auction May Be Gone, But Our Mission Goes On!

Even though our auction has ended, our organization and our mission have not. We would greatly appreciate your continued support in terms of time, effort and funding, and will do our best to keep you up to date on future activities.

We would like to thank our sponsors...

Become a Sponsor

If you or your organization would like to become a sponsor please complete our simple form and we will contact you.