ALDEA – Behrhorst Partners for Development
Auction Ends: Oct 17, 2014 10:00 PM EDT

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BPD's Auction is Closed!  Make a Cash Donation Today!

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The Behrhorst Partners for Development "Taste of Antigua" Auction is now closed, however you can still make a cash donation to support our work!  Help us reach our goal of of $5,000 with your donation today!

Your participation supports grassroots development initiatives in Mayan Kaqchikel villages, working with local families to mitigate the devastating impacts of poverty on children’s health. Auction items range from Guatemalan getaways to gorgeous artisan crafts that represent the vibrant colors of Guatemala.

To learn more about the work of our organization, join BPD for an eight-minute journey to Guatemala's beautiful western highlands! View our new video here.

Increase your Support Behrhorst Partners for Development!

BPD's primary focus is to support grassroots development initiatives in rural Guatemalan villages to reduce the rate of chronic malnutrition. Through organization, Mayan communities can take concrete action to address the causes and consequences of chronic malnutrition in young children, putting a new generation on the road to health and well-being.

So, what’s our approach… Our evidence-based approach is grounded in a synthesis of international research, results from previous project evaluations, inputs from members of local community development councils, and advice from other key informants.

The cornerstone of our programs is empowerment. We build the leadership and problem-solving skills of women, men and youth to address both the dietary and environmental root causes of childhood malnutrition. We focus on preventing malnutrition from occurring in the first place by emphasizing good nutrition during the first 1000 days - the short window that includes pregnancy and the first two years of a child’s life. Helping communities provide good nutrition and a heathy environment during this critical window of opportunity provides a lifetime of lasting benefits to children.