Live Event
Sat May 3, 2014 7PM -
Sun May 4, 2014 12AM MDT
Tucson Waldorf School | River Bend campus
3605 E. River Rd., Tucson, AZ 85716
Auction Stats
Top Items
- Disneyland | Four Park Hopper tickets
- One-month Family Fitness Pass to Tucson Racquet & Fitness Club
- 2 $25 Gift Certificates SHER E PUNJAB
- 2 admission tickets to any Arizona Theater Company performance
- Private Skateboarding Lessons w/ Pro Skater
- Pure Aesthetics Natural Skincare Standard Facial
- Agustin Kitchen $30 Gift card
- Luxurious Skin Treatment - Image O2 Lift by Indigo Oasis
- Raging Sage | $35 gift card
- Zona 78- 2 $15 Gift cards
Top Bidders
- lrcc3ff53$966
- mahalo2many$630
- ashleyzara$450
- jo7d006ef$412
- czfd2235d$250
- nw7138a6a$244
- lb7ea366c$218
- wufff$176
- vlazaro$170
- aw14bcecf$165
Tucson Waldorf School's online auction will run through May 10th. Thank you to everyone who came to Fresh!

The more bids you place, the more money we raise, so we're asking for your help. The online auction runs April 21 to May 10.
NOTE: All packaging & shipping costs are paid by winning bidder. Artwork & fragile items require special shipping. Signature & ID required upon delivery of wine. Items are available for pickup without charge at Tucson Waldorf School.
Thank you to our community supporters and local businesses for the generous support!
Become a Sponsor
If you or your organization would like to become a sponsor please complete our simple form and we will contact you.