Reading Education Foundation – Imagination Celebration 2015
Auction Ends: May 9, 2015 12:00 AM EDT

Auction Stats


Top Bidders

  1. Dale2014$660
  2. wt99b2f53$550
  3. sga5cd523$522
  4. sh0018062$425
  5. JBoraw2625$405
  6. clc5229a2$345
  7. cherylbourque$288
  8. jj07ed9ec$284
  9. featherboa21$240
  10. zyrtec$190

REF's Online Auction closes today, now at midnight!

Main Article Image

A reminder that all bidding closes today, Friday, May 8!  Don't miss out on shopping for a great cause-our auction features theatre tickets, sporting events, great stuff, family fun unique experiences and just plain ole great stuff.   Proceeds go to the Reading Education Foundation and support excellence and innovation in the Reading Schools.  Get Your Bids In So You Don't Lose Out!

Thank you to our Event Sponsor, Dr. Leo Spyrou & Reading Orthodontics!

Without Reading Orthodontics continued support REF would not reach our goal of giving grants of lasting value to all of our public schools.  Join Reading Orthodontics and our other sponsors and donors in supporting REF.

Become a Sponsor

If you or your organization would like to become a sponsor please complete our simple form and we will contact you.