Advocacy and Caring for Children – Labor of Love 2016
Auction Ends: Feb 29, 2016 12:00 AM PST

Auction Stats


Auction Closed! Thank you for your participation!

The Labor of Love 2016 is now closed. Thank you all for taking the time to point, click and bid in order to support Association for Catholic Childhood and our ongoing support of women and children in this community. Congratulations to everyone who:

  • placed a winning bid
  • generously donated an item for auction
  • invited family, friends and community to make their bid to build a better world

Your willingness to participate in this auction means the world to us and the charities we support.

For more information on Association for Catholic Childhood, please click this link to go to our website.

If you weren't able to bid successfully, but wish to support Association for Catholic Childhood, you can always make a cash donation here or to our endowment via our website.

We'll be closing out the items and contacting successful bidders and linking you to your items donor etc. over the next week. Please be patient, you will hear from us in a timely manner!!