C & Ws Rustic Hollow Shelter – Spring Fling for the Rustic Hollow furs
Auction Ends: Dec 5, 2015 10:00 PM EST

Auction Stats


Top Referrers

  1. Raccoon Valley Animal Sanctuary & Rescue5
Refer Your Friends

Top Bidders

  1. kitt$510
  2. avf4fd3d5$357
  3. mallett$304
  4. banditjung$297
  5. th533f026$283
  6. Bella2003$280
  7. npf772633$222
  8. sg6f790cf$221
  9. bd4f2edd4$210
  10. lgdf8ab4e$192

Online Auction Open! Let the Bidding Begin!

Our Paws for the Holiday Rustic Hollow Auction is now open. The auction will run from November 20, 2015 to December 5, 2015, with proceeds going to C & Ws Rustic Hollow Shelter in order to support the special needs furs at Rustic Hollow. Auction items range from exotic vacation getaways to donated items guaranteed to delight and surprise. So, tell your friends, family, community. Let the bidding begin!

Make Your Bid to Support Rustic Hollow furs

Now is your chance to not only get all the great items you want, but to do it knowing you are helping support our organization and mission. Rustic Hollow is a cage free home for felines with chronic medical, physical, neurological or behavioral issues; cats with Feline Leukemia or FIV+ cats; Senior Cats; and cats displaced at the death of their guardian. 

Become a Sponsor

If you or your organization would like to become a sponsor please complete our simple form and we will contact you.