Beaverton Area Chamber of Commerce – Spring Shopping for YEA! 2017
Auction Ends: May 30, 2017 10:00 PM PDT

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Auction Stats


Top Referrers

  1. honey pettigrew1
Refer Your Friends

Top Bidders

  1. ab2318cb3$555
  2. kaca4df32$530
  3. Dawg30$300
  4. TheCommish$276
  5. jm3fdcd74$250
  6. vwa3b6997$241
  7. awd5bbde9$230
  8. ef3ea151e$210
  9. kmadden$200
  10. 02131947$200

The Online Auction is Open!

The Spring Shopping for YEA! 2017 is now open. The auction will run from May 15, 2017 to May 30, 2017, with proceeds going to the Young Entrepreneurs Academy Program (YEA!). Auction items range from sports events, to donated items guaranteed to delight and surprise. So, tell your friends, family, community. Let the bidding begin!

Make Your Bid to Support YEA!

Now is your chance to not only get all the great items you want, but to do it knowing you are helping support our future entrepreneurs and job creators. 

We would like to thank our sponsors....
