MONTESSORI DE TERRA LINDA – Montessori de Terra Linda's Spring Fling and 26th Annual Auction
Auction Ends: Mar 4, 2018 10:00 PM PST

Live Event

Sat Mar 24, 2018
6PM - 11PM PDT

Auction Stats


Top Referrers

  1. rika gopinath14
  2. Victoria Bridge13
  3. Gretchen Hopkins5
  4. Ben Kleinman3
  5. rrik fdsa2
Refer Your Friends

Top Bidders

  1. firefly33j$1,944
  2. lemon3$1,769
  3. handymandave$1,562
  4. masteryuki$1,215
  5. bhddc111f$946
  6. 30e0392$820
  7. cp5ab2c00$730
  8. rtce59a4b$707
  9. cj3d565b1$652
  10. mk7253866$639

MdTL's Online Spring Fling... CLOSING SOON!

Montessori de Terra Linda's annual online auction is closing in less than 24 hours. If you haven't bid on anything yet, now's your chance.  If you have bid, stay on top of the action!

At this point, it's not all about doing good -- although you're certainly doing that with each bid you make.  There are some amazing deals, because we've reduced the opening bids on a number of items.  Even items that aren't in the "No Bids" category may still have current bids that are lower than the original minimum bid requirement.  In other words, there are deals galore.

As we countdown to the final bid, please know that you have our thanks for your involvement in our online auction. 

We hope to see many of you in person at our Spring Fling and live auction the evening of March 24. Join us in celebrating our school and our community.  For tickets, click here.