SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST SCHOOL – 18th Annual "The Children Are Our Future" Auction
Auction Ends: Mar 15, 2018 08:00 PM EDT

Auction Stats


Top Referrers

  1. Matt Schroeder1
  2. lourdes pinto1
Refer Your Friends

Top Bidders

  1. Aadp2009$1,126
  2. msf1a7bb6$1,081
  3. cwe727df5$755
  4. MALGC$746
  5. macamc$702
  6. gld436240$607
  7. gc26220d2$590
  8. ec0f16f4f$565
  9. lsa3edb2c$564
  10. 22r23r24$490

The Auction Has Officially Closed! Thank you for your participation!

Main Article Image

The St. John the Baptist School "The Children Are Our Future" auction is now closed. Thank you all for taking the time to point, click and bid in order to support St. John the Baptist School and our students! Congratulations to everyone who:

  • placed a winning bid
  • generously donated an item for auction
  • invited family, friends and community to make their bid to support our fundraising efforts


We would like to thank every business and individual for your donations, bids and support.  Without you, none of this would have been possible.  Many of you do not know what has gone on behind the scenes to make this event such a huge success!  First and foremost, kudos to our Auction Committee, Kathy Trainor, JoAnn Roche, Christine Whitehead and Tami Cronin, who have put in countless hours to ensure a smooth and enjoyable event for all.  To our teachers and staff, who are the best of the best and continue to offer the most incredible, unparallelled educational opportunities to all of our students.  To our parents and families, for without your continued support for our educational programs, our school would not be in existence today. To our sponsors, who are always there when we need them and consistently step up to the plate each and every time we ask something of them.  To our students, you inspire us each and every day. Continue to learn and grow, be comfortable and confident being the amazing individuals you are and please know, you are the ones to make a difference! THANK YOU ALL!!!!

Become a Sponsor

If you or your organization would like to become a sponsor please complete our simple form and we will contact you.

We would like to thank our sponsors....


