FRIENDS OF RUWENZORI FOUNDATION – Friends of Ruwenzori Passport to Uganda 2020
Auction Ends: Oct 26, 2020 06:00 PM PDT

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  1. dc43f9224$441
  2. mao185$435
  3. gbc646fc4$400
  4. stpoakland$358
  5. gt9a5c361$340
  6. pb9596d63$321
  7. sowryjenny$238
  8. jj7d41509$233
  9. mr36b8781$200
  10. nr5d2d67d$200

The Online Auction is Open!

The Friends of Ruwenzori Passport to Uganda 2020 is now open. The auction will run from October 18, 2020 to October 26, 2020, with proceeds going to Friends of Ruwenzori Foundation in order to support KIDA, our partner in Uganda.

Make Your Bid to Help KIDA "Empower the vulnerable" and "Reduce preventable deaths" in rural Western Uganda!

Now is your chance to not only get all the great items you want, but to do it knowing you are making a big difference. Every bid furthers our mission.

KIDA stands for Kitojo Integrated Development Association and is a registered community based organization in rural Western Uganda. Friends of Ruwenzori exists to support KIDA's work on the ground in Uganda, providing 63 % of their operating budget for running the hospital, orphan education, vocational training and community outreach.