Friends of Virgin Islands National Park – Friends of VINP 2016 Online Auction
Auction Ends: Dec 11, 2016 09:00 PM EST

Jewelry - 5 ITEMS (1 - 5)

Item Name Item Number Donor Value Leading Bid Time Left
Romantic "Tulip Tassel" necklace from Caravan Gallery 102 CARAVAN GALLERY $210USD $165USDSOLD CLOSED
Tektite Sterling Silver Pendant/Earring Suite with Black Diamond and Tahitian Pearls 200 R&I PATTON goldsmithing at Mongoose Junction $2,200USD $1,500USDSOLD CLOSED
Handcrafted Love Hook Bracelet from Vibe Collection 296 Into the Blue LLC, Collection $278USD $250USDSOLD CLOSED
Handmade Petroglyph Necklace from Bamboo Studio 297 Bamboo Studio $178USD $170USDSOLD CLOSED
Sea Glass Creation: Christmas Tree Pendant 300 Karen Boddy $80USD $190USDSOLD CLOSED