UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST CONGREGATIONAL – Boxborough UCC Merrie Christmas Fair Silent Auction 2024
Auction Ends: Nov 23, 2024 06:00 PM EST

View All Items - 244 ITEMS (1 - 30)

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Item Name Item Number Donor Value Leading Bid Time Left
Acton ACE Hardware Gift Card 316 Acton Ace Hardware $50USD $50USDSOLD CLOSED
Acton Framers Gift Certificate 134 Acton Framers $25USD $26USDSOLD CLOSED
Adjustable Garden and Leaf Rake 360 Teresa and Jim Howie $27USD $27USDSOLD CLOSED
Adult Hat in Brown with Pink Accents 241 Shijesta Victor $20USD $19USDSOLD CLOSED
Adult Hat in Navy and Tan 242 Shijesta Victor $20USD $15USDSOLD CLOSED
Adult Hat in Turquoise and Navy 240 Shijesta Victor $20USD $15USDSOLD CLOSED
Afghan in Beautiful Colors and Zig-Zag Pattern 103 Carolyn Tetschner $75USD $57USDSOLD CLOSED
Airstream Camper Dinner for 4 People 224 Laurel and Dave Bull Priceless $210USDSOLD CLOSED
All Clad 12-Quart Stainless Steel Multipot with Insert 236 Kristin Hilberg of Keller Williams Realty $180USD $160USDSOLD CLOSED
Alphabet Blanket for Baby 195 Eleanor Smith $40USD $36USDSOLD CLOSED
Alpha Cars Gift Card (#1) 354 Alpha Cars $75USD $56USDSOLD CLOSED
Alpha Cars Gift Card (#2) 355 Alpha Cars $75USD $56USDSOLD CLOSED
Amaryllis Bulb -- Waxed (#1) 361 Teresa and Jim Howie $20USD $18USDSOLD CLOSED
Amaryllis Bulb -- Waxed (#2) 362 Teresa and Jim Howie $20USD $17USDSOLD CLOSED
Amaryllis Bulb -- Waxed (#3) 363 Teresa and Jim Howie $20USD $18USDSOLD CLOSED
Amazon Gift Card 380 Heidi, Mike, Lisa, and Philip Kidd $25USD $26USDSOLD CLOSED
AncestryDNA Kit 175 Darcy and Jim Sidwell $149USD $112USDSOLD CLOSED
Angel "Just for You" by Willow Tree 149 Ginny Harris $30USD CLOSED
Anita's Shoe Boutique Gift Certificate 140 Anita's Shoe Boutique $25USD $26USDSOLD CLOSED
Apple Pie Filling made from Scratch -- 2 Quarts 309 Debbie and Paul Brookes $45USD $41USDSOLD CLOSED
Azul Board Game 364 Ellen Hickey and Eric Michnovez $32USD $41USDSOLD CLOSED
Bar Harbor Stay & Windjammer Sailing Trip for 2 155 $3,278USD $2,874USDSOLD CLOSED
Basket made in Africa 272 Betsy Waters $30USD $24USDSOLD CLOSED
Battery Daddy Storage System 263 Kristin Hilberg of Keller Williams Realty $20USD $15USDSOLD CLOSED
BBQ Grill Glove 245 Darcy and Jim Sidwell $20USD $21USDSOLD CLOSED
Bee's Knees British Imports Gift Basket 318 Bee's Knees British Imports $75USD $57USDSOLD CLOSED
Belgian Waffle Brunch for up to 10 People 104 Griet Dehandschutter $150USD $150USDSOLD CLOSED
Bella's Great Road Italian Restaurant (#1) 233 Bella's Great Road Italian Restaurant $25USD $25USDSOLD CLOSED
Bella's Great Road Italian Restaurant (#2) 235 Bella's Great Road Italian Restaurant $25USD $25USDSOLD CLOSED
Berry Bowl with Plate 287 Tineke and Jeff Vandegrift $46USD $37USDSOLD CLOSED
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