Vajrayana Foundation – Vajrayana Foundation's Third Annual Auction
Auction Ends: Nov 30, 2016 06:00 PM PST

Blessed by the Lamas

Guru Rinpoche Thangka Blessed by Lama Tharchin Rinpoche

Item Number
Estimated Value
$2,000 USD
$1,261 USD to kf18921dc
Number of Bids
7  -  Bid History

Item Description

This thangka includes figures of Kuntuzangpo and Kuntuzangmo above the head of the central Guru Rinpoche, as well as his two main consorts, Yeshe Tshogyal and Mandarava on either side. It also includes Guru Dragpo (wrathful form of Guru Rinpoche) and Senge Dolma (female wrathful form of Guru Rinpoche) below the central figure.

The painting is extremely beautiful and very detailed. There is a lot of gold to enhance the figures, but it is muted, as are the colors throughout.

You will need a large space for this thangka. It is over 5 feet long and 3 1/2 feet wide.

This is a special opportunity to buy something not only beautiful to enhance your practice, but with the special meaning due to its connection with the blessings of Lama Tharchin Rinpoche and his first group of Drupdra practitioners. It was purchased from a Tibetan lama in 1997, and was also blessed by Ayang Rinpoche, Garchen Rinpoche, and many other lamas.

Item Special Note

Size of painting: 23" x 33"

Size including brocade framing: 43" x 64"

Donated By:

Carol Birx