THOREAU SOCIETY INC – The Thoreau Society & The Thoreau Farm Trust Annual Online Auction 2021
Auction Ends: Mar 26, 2021 12:00 PM EDT

Celebrity greeting

A Personalized video greeting from Henry David Thoreau

Item Number
Estimated Value
$150 USD
$75 USD to rjf5debae
Number of Bids
3  -  Bid History

Item Description

As portrayed by historical interpreter Richard Smith, Henry David Thoreau will send a personalized, video greeting to you or your designee.

Whether it is your favorite quote, a birthday greeting, witticism, or any message you want to send, Henry will deliver with joy.

Henry will send a personalized video greeting of not more than 60 seconds.

Video deadline and content will be agreed upon by Henry and the winning bidder.

Item Special Note