Netroots Nation – Netroots Nation 2017
Auction Ends: Nov 15, 2017 10:00 PM EST

Auction Stats


Top Bidders

  1. KosBidder$425
  2. Maddie2008$230
  3. loe441c95$205
  4. skohayes$162
  5. rc0d0cef4$152
  6. caradox$150
  7. Vicardo$145
  8. ll7249fcd$125
  9. cricker$110
  10. mm5e8258b$92

Thank You!

This year's auction has ended ... see you in New Orleans next Summer and right back here in the Fall for our 10th Annual Netroots Nation On-line Auction! 

Interested in learning more about Netroots Nation or to register for New Orleans 2018, visit here.

A message from our Co-Chairs

Another auction is in the books ... and we couldn't have done it without you!

Can't wait to see you all in New Orleans next August and back here next Fall for a very special anniversary - our 10th Annual Online Auction!

Beth Becker & Linda Lee

Become a Sponsor

If you or your organization would like to become a sponsor please complete our simple form and we will contact you.